Happy Freedom Day

Happy Freedom Day to all South Africans: old or young, living locally or abroad.


As a nation we are celebrating 20 years of democracy – achievements, opportunities, failures, lessons learned and new goals; and also the fears, joys, disappointments, responsibilities, hopes and dreams that go hand-in-hand with freedom for all.

It’s easy to focus on negative issues, to look at what is going wrong, to concentrate on what has not been accomplished or successful. It doesn’t take much to point fingers and attribute blame or believe that the grass is always greener on the other side. After all, life is tough, life is a challenge and life in South Africa definitely is not a smooth ride.

But at heart, we are a wonderful, vibrant, resilient nation with an unassailable sense of humour and energy, capable of producing global leaders and pioneering positive change against all odds – so let’s celebrate all that is going right. And let’s face it, so much IS going right.

Let’s celebrate our babies at Princess Alice; the wonderful families that have been formed in the past 20 years and that continue to be created; the primary health care that our babies have rightful access to; the Child Protection policies that are in place for all our children; our dedicated staff; the donors and volunteers who believe in our babies and give time, money and other resources to ensure that they can grow into healthy, happy and loved young people.

Let’s celebrate our Princess Alice babies, full stop. Wherever they are now in the world, let’s celebrate them.

Let’s celebrate ourselves, why not?


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