More Good Stories To Tell

Photo for stats Feb 2015

We are immensely grateful to all our caring donors (in-cash & in-kind)and volunteers who help us through every day.

Without their support, we would not be able to proudly commemorate our 85th anniversary later this year. More importantly, we are grateful that they care about the well-being of the vulnerable babies/toddlers in our nursery who, despite a difficult start in life, all face very bright futures.

 2015 is rolling onwards, and just two months into the year, we are very proud about what we are already able to report on.

 Our “stats” for January and February 2015: 

Number of babies cared for


Number of new admissions


Number of adoptions

5   (4 local

      1 inter-country)

Number of babies placed in foster care


Number of babies reunited with biological family


Number of birth moms accomodated


Two adoptions and three foster care placements are pending finalisation.

Thank you for caring and making a difference.

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