#RAKNominations – no shelf life for this “craze”

Watch the video http://goo.gl/7ax3lX

A group of young friends – Jo, Stacey, Alex and Mike – surprised us with a visit and an amazing donation of much needed baby-care products and nappies. They raised funds from friends and family members, and together with a contribution from Dischem, were able to buy large quantities of some of the items that we use on a daily basis. The donation was delivered as a Random Act Of Kindness (RAK).

In their YouTube video they make the point that while the #NekNomination craze has quietened down, there is no reason for the #RAKNomination process to fade out too. They in turn nominated other friends to take up the Random Act of Kindness challenge.

It’s a privilege to receive such a generous donation on behalf of the babies! Thank you!

RAK Nomination

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